Photographer: Joe Ciccone (Karma=3684)
west palm beach, Florida USA
About: I just shoot a lot...then hope I get I get a few decent photos.
I am always searching for what I think will be a great 'shot' and usually have at least one camera with me ready to 'fire away'
And I just love a quote I read the other day by a well respected photographer, who when ask about wide angle lenes said, "the best wide angle lens? just take 2 steps back"
Actually the need for anything wider than 24mm is a puzzle to me at this point in time. I received with the purchase of a Canon digital a program called PhotoStitch which is really easy to use, with terrific results. You take a few shots, stitch them together and the results a wider view than any lens I could afford..maybe wider than any lens, period. I hope you enjoy my view of my world...
4-4-2006- correction...
well the above wide angle information is NOT Correct.... For $160. I purchased the Nikon 18-55mm DX...and it's just wonderful... I now use it almost 80% of the time. Terrific prospective available....
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Joe Ciccone
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Konica-Minolta A200