Photographer: Walt McNeil (Karma=2146)
Tacoma, Washington US
About: I have been shooting for about 20 years, and specialize in night and available light photography. I invite all photographers throughout the world to write, and share pictures, comments, and information about our common love of photography.
I use the Nikon equipment, including the new D70 digital camera, but my primary camera is the F100.
I have photographed in many countries throughout the world, including Asia,and Europe
I classify myself as a street-shooter; preferring to photograph in cities; but have done a lot of scenics and other types as well, including informal portraits, weddings, and family groups.
I presently am a member of the www.SeattlePhotographs.com stock agency; many of my images may be seen on that website. Some of my images have been purchased by others.
In addition, I am retired from the U.S Army, having served for 20 years; I was a tank Cmdr (SSG-E-6)when I left. Many of my finest memories are of sitting in one of my tanks, driving, shooting the guns, or waiting for something to happen.
I served for 4 years in the u.S. Navy also; being in the engine room, I just sat, waiting to get back to my bunk. Aboard the U.S.S Wasp (aircraft carrier), stationed in South Boston, Massachusetts.
you may contact me at my email address; nuphotonite33@aol.com
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