Photographer: Roland Le Gall (Karma=7018)
About: French, "nobody is perfect..." :-) I do not see really anything , interesting, to say about me... I don't live, either for the photo, or by the photo, it is a passion as an other one... Maybe and certainly the only way I found to express feelings in a personal way, having no other particular talent, I would have prefered to play saxophone, either to paint, or to write. but is not an artist who only wish to be it....... I am in a photo period, but there were long periods without, having abandoned the black and white lab which I practised in the 70s, and ages in the attic.. The data processing which I refused for a long time, a little gives me the same enjoyments. I like to touch everything (one says "dilettante"?) as in my job, general practitioner of campaign, where I must know how to do everything ..:-) Sorry for my bad english, I did not practise it since my studies, in 60s.....:-)
Email: rolandlegall@usefilm.com
There are 8 images in 1 Pages