Photographer: Sergio Phillipio (Karma=31)
Bonnells Bay, NSW Australia
About: Saved from the waters of the Nile river, Moses lived to become one of the greatest men of history! Moses's life was divided in three periods of 40 years ..the first 40 in the Courts of Egypt; the next 40 as a shepherd in the desert; and the last 40 leading the people of Israel out of bondage. I have just realised that my life ...as far as photography is concerned is divided in three periods of 20 years approximately..this may mean that I am half as good as Moses ..i am very happy with this!
Anyway, back in the 60's in ..in my early 20's i bought my first camera - a Minolta ........; then in my early 40's i bought myself a top of the range Olympus and now in my early 60's, encouraged by my daughter ..the Owner/Director of DEC Designs and Photography... a really enthusiastic graphic designer/photographer, I have just bought myself a Nikon D70.
I have taken days to try to understand what the different buttons and screens/menus meant; I have spent days reading the manual which is now falling into pieces; I have asked the professional photographer Heath Bennett many questions and even with his expert advice I am still struggling! Too old for new technology! However, it is my pleasure to share with you a few of my very first shots taken along the eastern coast of New South Wales, Australia; I sincerely hope you'll enjoy my introductory photos re. digital photography. Thank you very much for your interest.
Sergio Phillipio
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