Photographer: LUCIANO GIOMBINI (Karma=6)
About: To the first experience as amateur in dark-room with black and white, I have used colour-slides also. Then travels have occurred and soon after my passion for shells. Travels then have been aimed to discovery of those countries where collecting and buying shells were easy and discovery of local folklore as well. Lastly, computer has come, my second ?dark-room?. It enabled me to perfect the images of travels and shells and then I tried to create something new with elaboration. Photos of shells were born using a digital Nikon; travels ones are drawn from my colour-slides archive taken with a Nikon reflex. Elaboration are made with photoshop. __________________
E-mail : luciano.giombini@tin.it__________________ URL : http://photography.lucianogiombini.it
There are 17 images in 1 Pages