Photographer: Christopher Gooding (Karma=2278)
Wichita, KS USA
About: I have a lot of fun working at becoming a better photographer. I seek opinion and criticism from all, I'll shoot anything, anywhere, for anybody. I try to take my gear wherever I go in hope of capturing a moment worth printing. I have yet to master the art of digital manipulation, almost everything in my current portfolio is shown as shot. I derive inspiration from fellow UF'ers and their work and am fascinated by the infinite possibilities presented in this forum. My very first camera was a Nikon EM, now I shoot Canon digital and Bronica mf. I am interested in learning more about lighting techniques for striking portraits.
If you see something here that you like, let me know. If you think I'm a complete putz behind the lens, let me know that too with one caveat, I'd like to know why you think I'm a putz. I'd especially like to hear of creative alternatives that might improve, or at the very least lend a different perspective to my work.
Thanks to all who visit...
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