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Photographer: alberto baez duarte  (Karma=8175)
caracas, miranda venezuela 

About: Business Administration-Universidad Catolica Andres Bello UCAB - Caracas/Venezuela.
AMP 104- Harvard Business School,Cambridge,Mass.
Banking for 32 years becoming a member of the board , then worked for an US company in Andean Region heading the company and lately, 8 years , I am an executive consultant for a retail & whole sale store for housing and food & beverages.
Consulting ,Travelling & photographs , golf,music.
The picture was taken while travelling in Sweden.

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There are 1 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - a friendly camel in Mezada....

a friendly camel in Me
alberto baez duarte
Comments 9
Views 592
Rating Pending / 1 
Olympus C3030Z



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