I live in the weathiest nation on the planet, yet somehow we do not have enough to make sure that all have the basics. I have been watching the numbers increase during our present economic expansion. We often want to pretend that he is not "us". He has to have done something wrong to have reached this state in his life. Some are vets, some are just out of work with no more benefits. As the riots continue in France and the many skirmishes in all parts of Africa, I wonder when we might find ourselves at the mercy of others. Just a thought for today.
Oh, someone will say this will be better in B/W. It might, but it would not have the impact of the Living Color.
C'est vraiment une photo d'aujourd'hui...bravo pour le contraste entre les couleurs vives du cadre général de l'image et les gris de l'âme..ce contraste renforce le poid et la force visuelle de la photo..
I like the living color. Especially how the blue of his clothes matches the blue behind him. A powerful statement about the disgusting situation where CEO's make more in a month than this man will in his lifetime. Shameful.