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Golden Corner
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Image Title:  Golden Corner
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 By: Mani Mobini  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Mani Mobini {Karma:1073}
Project #40 Street Photography Camera Model Canon 300D
Categories Street
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  100 mm f/2 USM
Uploaded 11/10/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 330 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 4 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City - 
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Country - Canada   Canada
About Denman street in Vancouver downtown
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There are 4 Comments in 1 Pages
Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 11/12/2005
Hi again dear Mani .. Let me see .. a few facts .. aha .. I haven't worked with the SD200 much but I know that it has a ISO setting .. In real high light conditions if you see your image is gonna be over exposed what so ever .. set the ISO speed to the lowest possible .. This reduces the sensitivity of the cameras sensor .. and in low light conditions set it to the highest which is 400 I think .. Higher Iso speed provide you with higher shutter speeds in low light so you can get a pretty sharp shot handheld .. mmm .. aha .. You said you used the fastest shutter speed your camera supported... 1500 I think .. well did you do that in manual exposure mode ?! cause if not it's of no use .. because in modes other than the manual mode the camera would automatically widen its aperture to obtain the exposure it thinks is correct ..
anyway in this shot I guess a real high aperture has been used too because of the high DOF .. so wheather it was in manual mode or not maybe you couldn't have achieved a more balanced exposure ..
aha .. as for DOF .. it stands for depth of field .. Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. A preferred selection Depth of field ("DOF") in a focused subject in an image can be quite subjective. Remember this, adequate selection of DOF for one situation, application may be unacceptable for another photographer. It is all a matter of personal preference when trying to determine the appropriate use of DOF to enhance an effect in a photograph.
well thats all for now ..

C ya !
Best wishes,


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 11/12/2005
Hi again dear Mani .. Let me see .. a few facts .. aha .. I haven't worked with the SD200 much but I know that it has a ISO setting .. In real high light conditions if you see your image is gonna be over exposed what so ever .. set the ISO speed to the lowest possible .. This reduces the sensitivity of the cameras sensor .. and in low light conditions set it to the highest which is 400 I think .. Higher Iso speed provide you with higher shutter speeds in low light so you can get a pretty sharp shot handheld .. mmm .. aha .. You said you used the fastest shutter speed your camera supported... 1500 I think .. well did you do that in manual exposure mode ?! cause if not it's of no use .. because in modes other than the manual mode the camera would automatically widen its aperture to obtain the exposure it thinks is correct ..
anyway in this shot I guess a real high aperture has been used too because of the high DOF .. so wheather it was in manual mode or not maybe you couldn't have achieved a more balanced exposure ..
aha .. as for DOF .. it stands for depth of field .. Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. A preferred selection Depth of field ("DOF") in a focused subject in an image can be quite subjective. Remember this, adequate selection of DOF for one situation, application may be unacceptable for another photographer. It is all a matter of personal preference when trying to determine the appropriate use of DOF to enhance an effect in a photograph.

For more Info On DOF Check out :

C ya !
Best wishes,


Mani Mobini   {K:1073} 11/11/2005
Wow thanx alot Ali, I appreciate you taking the time to write me your opinion. It was certainly helpful. Please do that more often because that is the only way I can improve. the "good shot" comments are nice but I need to see how I can improve my work.
Well, about the exposure, It was the fastest I could do with my camera. The sun was shinning like crazy that day. very very bright day. Maybe not good for taking photos. The top part I totally agree with you, Maybe I didn't take my time to really observe the image.
what do you mean by DOF. I'm a beginner so explain please hehe.
keep in mind that I have a really normal camera (Cannon SD200) which really doesn't let me have that much control over the pics.

well Thanx again, I look forward to your reply


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 11/11/2005
Hi Mani .. Nice shot .. With a pretty nice composition .. mmm The black part of the top of the shot is a bit annoying (IMHO).. and I think the left part is a lot stronger than the right .. anyway .. Using a higher shutter speed here could have helped to reduce the over exposure of the background .. and it could have changed the overall mood of the shot to a clamer mood .. ahaaa sth else .. I think the trash there is too sharp maybe a shallower DOF could have help .. anyway I like the shot like all your other work .. and all I said is just my idea .. maybe wrong or just my way !!!

Have fun and take care Mani ..
My best wishes,




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