{K:1984} 12/17/2005
great one omina akmal hamdi
Ahmad Kamal
{K:1217} 11/29/2005
lol....very nice mode.....well done omneia
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 11/7/2005
thnx alot Hesham 4 ur nice comments 4 me kol sana wenta tayeb :) Omnia
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 11/6/2005
Omnia , i like very much how U repreented yourself , i am also happy to see the whole your face not just te eyes . What ever happened , what ever U faced hold on your morals , GOD ,love , honest . Besy regards .
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 11/6/2005
this is a more of greatest card in the world. I haven't a wonderful one like it. vvvvvery beautiful Omnia. H.A
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 11/5/2005
thnx alot Mohamed gr8 u love Emam too sorry 4 my spelling mistake i agree with u about el ba7r fe3lan it is a song feha heya aslan masha3er kteera w mel7'abata bas i do admire this song :) c u isA fel gam3a eb2a 3ady 3alena :) Omnia :)
Mohamed Ezz
{K:2170} 11/4/2005
Very Nice card omnia.. like it alot.. ana ba7ep el shikh Imam so much and this one is my best "el ba7r bied7ak laih" .. when i hear it i feel that i'm dreaming.. sometime i wanna 2 cry .. and some times i become so happy.. like it alot..and specially this part.. there's a fault fel roba3ia.. (bel nashwa) not (lanshawa).. best regards omnia...
Mohamed Nabil
{K:1639} 11/4/2005
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 11/4/2005
great compsiton amazing dream in his way of standing and looking even we didnt see his eyes convert it to B&W and play in curves and levels,, then post it omnia ,, it is a great one
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 11/4/2005
Very nice card Omnia Excellent work Regards Sherif
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 11/4/2005
hi Master thnx alotttttttttttt 4 ur so sweet words & here is the shot u know this shot atharet awy feya men awel mara i did see it i feel it as my own dream on his eyes

Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 11/4/2005
hi Waleed thnx alot 4 ur nicely comment & sorry my peotry is not from hakawy el ahawy at all one of it is for Salah Jaheen & the second is for Nageeb Seror (singing by el sheikh Emam) & sure i would liek 2 send more of it isA soon speciall 4 u Omnia :)
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 11/4/2005
didnt find it :(
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 11/4/2005
i see Omnia that Yehia set a great and nice rule here.. perfect composition amazing presentation dear lovly student and daughter.. i love the words of 3ammena Salah Jahin and i think you listen also to some oriental music,, love the second shot at the upper right will search for it now all my best regards deary
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 11/4/2005
hmmmmm thx sister tab3an awalan ya3ni... 2nd kol sana wenty tayeba enty 3arfa maba3rafsh awsall 7ad '3eir el net... 3rd el fekra 3agbany awy momken agarrab!!! 4th 3agebny el card awy welkalam el gamil da it is well presented...
waleed montasser
{K:2569} 11/4/2005
A very nice card Omnia
i like very much the poetry u wrote is it from hakawy el ahawy its wonderfull wd u send some more of it :)
i like the way u love ur friends here
Best regards
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 11/4/2005
very impresive piece of work ,well done and very best regards.
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 11/4/2005
very nice Card omnia lovely poetry, completes the mood. thank you for your fast respond :) good luck in your final year.
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 11/4/2005
1st thank you so much for writing my name 2nd it is an excellent card, wonderful work, and yes i can see that you are learning alot day by day, and i am so happy for that
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 11/3/2005
thnx alot Shady ,it is not nice as u r all always nice to me & helpful thnx 4 friendship Omnia
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/3/2005
nice card ya omnia