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without season
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Image Title:  without season
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 By: Paolo Corradini  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Paolo Corradini  Paolo Corradini {Karma:59552}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikon  18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED AF-S DX
Uploaded 10/22/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 655 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 33 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  birkenau
State - 
Country - Poland   Poland
About autumn shot, from a place without season..Birkenau.
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There are 33 Comments in 1 Pages
Olga-Eva Krajciova Olga-Eva Krajciova   {K:19240} 12/4/2006
wonderful image, Paolo..very strong meaning kept in few dark silhouettes.. so nicely composed and very good titel, birkenau has any season, there doesn´t exist time,
i am not able to explain how i feel after realizing that you captured this beautiful image at one of the most sad places all around the world (maybe universe as well)

great work, paolo, very great


ferzan aydin   {K:415} 3/15/2006
very strong contrast nice capture, but i would prefer not to make this blurry gray effect on the edges of pic.congratulations.


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 1/2/2006
it' s true i delede many pics..i don't want too much images least who looks all? :)
thank you again


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 1/2/2006
Marvelous shot Paolo!!! Youy are an artist :)

I also see when i´m browsing your portfolio that you have removed many many images! Such a pitty!!! WHY??



Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/28/2005
Great work, paolo.
Good use of d.o.f. to blur the foreground!
Kind regards, Chris


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 10/26/2005
Ti ringrazio moltoper l'attenzione che hai dedicatoai miei ultimi scatti questa è la mia favorita ed è incredibile come tu l'abbia descritta visto il posto tristissimo (auschwitz..)
ciao apresto


marco  marco "dheim" orciuoli   {K:4467} 10/26/2005
mamma mia che foto... l'ombra in primo piano crea un effetto stranissimo con gli alberi scheletrici dello sfondo... grande!


Ann Texter   {K:10064} 10/25/2005
interesting angle and shadows... nice. :)


kike Calvo kike Calvo   {K:11291} 10/25/2005
Paolo, eres un maestro a la hora de sacar grandes fotos de donde no las hay. Perfecto
Un saludo amigo


Toshi  Toshi    {K:11924} 10/25/2005
Nice silhouette and abstract feel to this capture Paolo. Love the blur and tones to create a nice atmosphere, well captured my friend.


Claudia Perilli Claudia Perilli   {K:31090} 10/24/2005
Davvero molto bella. Molto grafica, ben composta e bella l'atmosfera ricreata.


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 10/24/2005
Una foto superba dall'atmosfera impareggiabile. Complimenti.


Marco Donatiello   {K:12147} 10/24/2005
Paolo, definirei questa tua foto uno scatto onirico....stamattina appena svegliato ho trovato la mia Torino avvolta in una fitta nebbia, ed appena vista questa tua foto mi sono ricordato della sensazione....




Laurie Gould   {K:11942} 10/23/2005
Beautiful image. I love the strong contrast of the black and white tones and the vignette works really well here. :)


Filippo Giorgio Filippo Giorgio   {K:2158} 10/23/2005
Scena perfetta per un film noir..!


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 10/23/2005
Hi Paolo,

You managed to capture a lot of mood here... the vertical arragement and the toning make the image. while I like the idea of getting a soft border, my impression is that the part on the right looks a bit strange with the PS work.

anyway, the mood makes the image.

best wishes,


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 10/23/2005
Excellent composition paolo!
Beautiful silhouettes!


Luca Luca®   {K:2429} 10/23/2005
che bella paolo ...
hai reso proprio bene l'idea del luogo che poteva essere:scuro buio fosco lugubre sinistro opprimente desolato freddo.
questa foto vale piu di mille parole.
Tu si che sai comunicare con le foto


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/23/2005
you are so clever to take an autumn shot from a place without season.
mi piace your works.
Wonderful...marvelous work of art!

grande bacio


Endre Novak Endre Novak   {K:12666} 10/22/2005
nice, moody composition, excellent work on lights/shades-silhouettes. Congrats,


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 10/22/2005
Great fine lines and the out of focus blurr also a feature.


Janet B Janet B   {K:16139} 10/22/2005
Beautiful gorgeous tones. Interesting and pleasing perspective. Well seen, Paolo!


Detlef Rudolf Braun   {K:2232} 10/22/2005
A wonderful autumn-photo.


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 10/22/2005
questo filone di foto suggestive mi piace moltissimo
le trovo belle ed affascinanti


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 10/22/2005
Wow Paolo, I love the lighting and the vertical presentation of the silhouetted trees are beautiful...a lovely subtle vignetting, and wonderful tones...very well done...Linda


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 10/22/2005
:) thank you so Much dear!



Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 10/22/2005
Excellent b&w capture with fantastic silhouette! Love the very stirring lines and beautiful shades! Very well done dear friend! 7+++ Marvelous!!!

My best regards!


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 10/22/2005
Great B&W composition , nice tones & lighting , Best regards .



Fabio Ficola   {K:10466} 10/22/2005
Molto malinconica Paolo, ma in fondo adatta a queste giornate.
Ciao -Fabio


Francesco  Francesco   {K:8101} 10/22/2005
Perfetta rappresentazione di un brutto posto.....



Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 10/22/2005
grazie Gennaro infatti era questa la versione che dovevo postare. ti ringrazio e ti auguro buona giornata.


r u t h   d  r io r u t h  d r io   {K:4339} 10/22/2005
Wonderful, Paolo!very soft image, and nice b/w. Best regards!!


Gennaro Guarino   {K:12372} 10/22/2005
la preferisco così. la cornice contribisce ad isolare la foto dallo sfondo bianco e nello stesso tempo la rende più drammatica(ammesso che il luogo dello scatto lo richieda.....)
saluti gennaro




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