Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/6/2005
Pat Excellent capture, love the tones, great DOF and detail. Margaret
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 10/3/2005
Thanks Sam! I appreciate your comments! You have a wonderful portfolio! Pat
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/3/2005
atractive pose and nice shot lovely color and object
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 10/2/2005
Hi Yamil! When are you planning on coming to Yellowstone? If you are in this area I will be happy to show you where the sheep are hiding. Some don't hide, they roam the roadside :) Thanks for commenting. Pat
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 10/2/2005
This is a fantastic Shot Pat! I Love the DOF you used and the presentation is spot on! Best Regards
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 10/2/2005
Really great image Pat! I would love to be there photographing these wonderful sheep but until then I have these beautiful images of yours to view! I really like the colors and the pose!
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 10/2/2005
Great shot Pat. I envy you. Hope to get one of these guys when I go to Yellowstone. Take care. Yamil
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/2/2005
Excellent capture of the sheep, Pat! Very well done! Dave.
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 10/2/2005
Hi Mike, yes I got this particular shot down the South Fork. There are more around North Fork also, and this is like 20 to 30 miles from the town of Cody. If you are ever out this way in the fall and very early spring I will show you where they are. I hope you post yours from Glacier. Thanks for commenting. Pat
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 10/2/2005
Hi James, Thanks for the comment! And you are right about the lack of color. Unfortunately they only come down around this area in the fall and leave for higher ground in the summer. :) Pat
Mike Middendorffi
{K:371} 10/2/2005
You got this in Cody WY? I was just thinking after my last post a moment ago that I might upload "my" bighorn pic from Glacier NP Montana, and then I saw this and guessed "Banff" before seeing the info. Great shot. . .
* James *
{K:20200} 10/2/2005
what a beautiful animal... too bad there's not much colour around the area. would make a much nicer photo. but i guess you take the shot when and where you can. good work ~ james