Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/5/2005
Hi Omar,
this sounds like a strange deal... and a deal that doesn't happen very often. so probably? Yes! =)
good work here. some lights are blown out, but the grainy sepia look adds to the scene.
well done.
best wishes, Thilo
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{K:6282} 9/30/2005
Wonderful capture, it awakens the fleamarket junkie in me.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 9/27/2005
If they were in good condition that might have been a very good deal indeed. Some of the special edition Leicas are quite sought after as collector's items...
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 9/26/2005
Very nice expression and moment captured, Omar! Love his expression here. He looks so proud with the cameras. Well I'm not sure if it's working or not, but perhaps it's worth it to collect...:) Hanggan
jude .
{K:14625} 9/25/2005
...um...probably not from this guy. *backs away carefully*
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 9/25/2005
Hi Ian, I dunno much about camera history. I opened it up and it was something between 35mm and 120mm. Also didn't seem to dake cartridges so I guess it would require buying sheet film and cutting down to size and then rolling on a spool. I'm sure ther are some Leica experts around here who can enlighten me! omar
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 9/25/2005
I thought Leicas were what established the modern film size.