Luke Luther
{K:14693} 10/1/2005
Stefan...it was one of those moments of total clarity. Everything came together for that one super lucid moment. Glad you like it.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/1/2005
I like this one very much. The crack and the leg/foot really talk to each other. Enjoyed your about as well.
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 9/24/2005
Simple, direct, graphique...ce n'est pas Cyndy Sherman, ce n'est pas Ansel Adams....c'est Luke...mon grand ami Luke....
About famous photographer....do you know Francisca Woodman ?
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 9/23/2005
I gotta say, Luke, I like your about as well as I like your picture. I think your photo is quite profound. In the midst of all the senseless mayhem and horror and chaos in the world, what can we do but put the one foot down, then the other a little in front of it and so on down the road. Your photo is so good because it refers to this mundane existence in a very un-mundane way. Interesting, but also comforting.
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 9/23/2005
Thanks for looking, Linda. Speaking of portfolios, I do so like what you do. I need to see something creative and inspirational daily so that I can remember what it means to live rather than exist.
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 9/23/2005
Thanks, Thilo...not having the easy portable and viewable digital SLR has me thinking of composition and framing and color choice. It has broadened my photographic sensibility. I will be consciously more thoughtful (at least for a spell) when it is back in my hands again.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 9/22/2005
Nice about Luke, I like it..I do, I do, I do, hahaha..It's nice to realize the little things, the small stuff, the tucked away and hidden things, the things that we don't normally look for or think about, very impressive about..and for what it's worth I like the shoes, jeans look good to me too..hahaha..great abstract image..nice angle, and composition, I like the contrasting colors, and the clarity..creative and very well done..you have a nice portfolio...Linda
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 9/22/2005
Hi Luke,
it's good find something unususal in the usual. otherwise you're getting sick ,-)
Thanks for reminding me to be graceful even on a rainy day full of work. it could be way worse than hat.
I like the abstract style here. I think it's a good decision to have the color in the image.
best wishes, Thilo