City - Carmel State - CALIFORNIA Country - United States
I really wish that I wouldn't have cut out the right tail light in this photo. I was in Carmel wondering around the Mission Ranch (Clint Eastwood's Place) and I turned the corner and saw this truck. I was so excited because it was the truck from one of my all time favorite movies, The Bridges of Madison County. Well, I got so excited that I don't think I was paying enough attention to the framing and I accidentally cut out the tail light.
I like the contrast of the flowers and the truck and I thought that I would post it just for fun.
I really think that Clint should just give me the truck so that I can drive it around Bellingham and take pictures all day long! It says Kincaid Photography - Bellingham on the side of it so it would be right at home in my driveway! :-)
What a fun shot, Sheila! I'm glad that you included the "about". I'm not a movie goer, so I would have been clue-less. All that aside it's a really nice colorful shot...lots of contrast. Kathy
I'm so glad you including the story behind this. Cool! I forgot that a lot of that movie had Bellingham included and mentioned in it. I like the title...make you wonder and want to find out more. Good job. The taillight?...oh well!