Malak Rashad
{K:643} 2/11/2006
yaiii ya nora el soora di fe3lan to7fa.. shaklohom yegannen! i wish i was their age again!!
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 9/5/2005
Hey Noran What a great shot. Really wonderful done. Perfect smile. Sweety guys.
Best Regards, The Kuru
Noran Elassily
{K:-47} 9/4/2005
Thank u Hatem, but no they r not.. 4 years difference.. bas fe3lan homma shabah ba3d awiiiii
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 9/4/2005
woooooow what a smile its a true from da heart 1...very nice shot.. childhood RULZ masha2allah... r they twins??
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 9/4/2005
Beautiful shot Noran , nice Expressions , well done .
Noran Elassily
{K:-47} 9/4/2005
Thank u omina.. but actually they r a boy and a girl.. the one on the right is a boy heheheh thank u anyways Nora
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 9/4/2005
really cutessssssssssss gr8 capture Noran bravo 3alieky they look nice decent girls Omnia :)
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 9/4/2005
Beautiful double portrait; very well composed, shame about the blur in the bottom left corner.
Regards, Ciprian
Someone Someone
{K:76} 9/4/2005
gr8 shot well done
Eman Shokry
{K:5400} 9/4/2005
Very nice portrait Noran...& yes very cute smiles....well done... Regards,
Eman Shokry
{K:3974} 9/4/2005
very nice picture, love their natural smile mundh