Linda Gálik
{K:1272} 7/7/2006
I don't know, how i missed this photo before... but it is a very original idea. :) And i am proud to be one of "them", thank you. :) I love eyes, they speak. (I hope my english is understandable. ) Best regards, Linda
Habib Ishmail
{K:2602} 6/19/2006
Excellent, Very Original. And Of Course, U Used The Best Gals From UseFilm!!
p e t a .
{K:18700} 6/14/2006
This was so cool, you should do another :)
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 9/16/2005
:)))))) i m not believe to you! this is incredible :)
my best regards Guilio.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 9/10/2005
Hello Stace, now you can read the name in the bottom of the image presentation!
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/10/2005
it has been a week giulio! tell who they are! hahaha =)
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 9/4/2005
Wodnerful idea and very creative. I like how you have placed them all together.
vito lentini
{K:13130} 9/3/2005
beh se non altro hai creato un vespaio sul toto eye!! bravo bella idea congrt ciao vito+++++++++++++++++
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 9/3/2005
Excellent collage; it has inspired me to try something similar. Watch this space.
Regards, Ciprian
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 9/3/2005
Brava Peta, gli hai indovinati quasi tutti, ma Michelle K č sbagliata, si tratta di un'altro membro. A quest punto mancano l'ultima in basso a destra e l'ultima a destra del centro. I miei complimenti
p e t a .
{K:18700} 9/2/2005
excellent Guilio!! very honoured to see you stole my eye :) Now is there a prize for knowing 99% of them? I just cant get middle row, right! rebecca hitchman, stace walker, jezabel, naomi neil, brumlim, ?, samantha P, ME, Michelle K :)
Alejandro Gómez
{K:4270} 9/2/2005
Nice and original composition.
Naomi Neal
{K:909} 9/2/2005
i love it!! it's very eye catching.. no pun intended, andi recognize my eye!! fantastic!
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 9/2/2005
amazing creative artistic work great effort as well nice idea well done in fact
tell u a secret i was thinkg to go with the game.. but u know.. UF kills TIME.. and if i go with this game i will kill myself :)
but i think Jeanette is here
Agustin Barrios
{K:-718} 9/2/2005
You did a great job here. Come visit my gallery and use some of my pictures anytime.
Pim de Ruijter
{K:2170} 9/2/2005
Cool!! This sounds like a game :), just like you say, you can start a contest!
Pim de Ruijter
{K:2170} 9/2/2005
Cool!! This sounds like a game :)!
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 9/2/2005
vi darň una settimana di tempo, poi svelerň i loro nomi.
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/2/2005
the first two of the middle row and the bottom right look very familiar, i just can't place who they are.. grrr!
serpil güler
{K:1022} 9/2/2005
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 9/2/2005
le due che hai detto sono esatte. ne mancano ancora 7
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 9/2/2005
Bel lavoro Stace: 2 su 3 sono esatti (uno č il tuo). No per michelle K
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 9/2/2005
I recognize Stace Walker and Sam P, but that it is all! Cool collage.
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/2/2005
forgiven giulio! haha this is a wonderful colage.
i see my eye top center and samantha p's eye bottom left? and maybe michelle k bottom right? i'm not positive though. and the rest i really have no clue.