{K:26787} 9/6/2005
Hi Verena ... the tilted presentation fits nicely with the thing the girl is holding in her hands! Very good tones! Sexy bride, no doubt :) *hugs*
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/29/2005
Hi Verena,
ein schöner Snap Shot, gewinnt ungemein durch die leichte Drehung. ich hätte das kollosseum aber nicht erkannt ;-)
LG, Thilo
gio4love .
{K:14469} 8/29/2005
ehehehehe...so, you were in Rome in August...me too! Great shot here, beautiful composition and atmosphere...See you!
{K:61359} 8/29/2005
Nice capture Verena. I like the angle you choose for your shot which is in correlation with the position of the woman in the foreground and the angle of the plank that she holds. This is well seen Verena!! Congrats Fabrice
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 8/26/2005
Beautiful day. Shooting from the back of and side of two different facades (the stall and wedding shoot) just captures so nicely the feeling of being in fairs and markets so well. Great people watching. A beautiful day by the looks.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 8/26/2005
What a capture Verena! Her dress make me think of something else then a dress and woman!!!
{K:14339} 8/26/2005
interesting shot.