I think this burn was in 1998 or 1999. It was caused by a lightning strike. You can see that there is some green. Some areas of the burn have recovered a little more, with new trees becoming established.
A very dramatic image, I just wish that there wasn't a person in it! :( This image would be very well portrayed in black and white. I love the use of lines here! :) Mother nature has a way of cleansing and rebirthing doesn't she? Thank your for your recent comments on my work! :)
Hi Urs, This was a fire in 1998, I believe lightning caused. The philosophy re: lightning-caused fires used to be to put them out. Since about 1996 when there were numerous monster fires in Yellowstone National Park, the forest management folks have come to recognize that the fires are part of nature. Now the focus is on protecting structures, but otherwise letting the fire go. This one was fairly small (I couldn't find actual acreage). In some ways the recovery seems slow (when we were there I'd thought the fire was in 2000), but it IS recovering. -- Naomi
I don't know how or by whome this fire was lit, but one thing I think I know for quite shure: Nature will survive, in what form ever. Sometimes we humans do forget, that we're just a part of nature, much much smaller than the smallest ant in the Universe ... :)
Great pictures, excellent documentation, congrats, Naomi!