Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/25/2005
Thank you Patrizio,i haven't done much night photography but i'm having fun learning! Thanks for adding me to your friends list, regards,Jax :)
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 8/25/2005
luci forti e magiche per questo bel notturno patrizio
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/23/2005
Cheers babe,had an awesome time! See you soon! :)
Tabitha Woods
{K:8650} 8/23/2005
Great shot of this place Jax, nice light reflections on the water, well done and thanks for the great company fren, an you too Mike:O) So needed to go out and be an opportunist for pics.. C u soon
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/22/2005
Thanks Mike,flattery will get you everywhere! ;)
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/22/2005
Thanks Sameh! It's great having like-minded friends to take pics with,some people get a bit impatient waiting while you stop and take pics every 5 minutes! Regards,Jax :)
mike donovan
{K:3698} 8/22/2005
Great shot, what a night, what a place! What company!
Sameh Odeh
{K:4717} 8/22/2005
Very nice shot Jacquie,great one.. By the way Mike and Tabitha also in my friend list here in usefilm,nice to see you all here ... Best wishes...
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/22/2005
Thanks! Had a great time taking pics that night,windy & cold but well worth leaving the comfort zone! Have been avoiding using a tripod for ages but have to admit,they're vital for night shoots! Regards,Jax :)
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/22/2005
Hiya Pan,thanks! This part of the waterfront is beautifully lit up at night,makes for some great shots.Mike,Tabitha & I spent about 2 hours late Saturday night wandering around taking pics until it got too cold & we retreated to a cafe for coffee! :)
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 8/22/2005
wooow great details. Different reflections&colors on the water. Amazing shot. Congrats Jacquie, Regards, The Kuru
pan g.
{K:16899} 8/22/2005
Hi Jacquie, very nice colours on this one.Espessialy the blue is very eye-catching.
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 8/22/2005
Thanks Matt,you're right,not pedantic at all! Hadn't noticed but now that you point it out i can see what you mean,i'll try again! Cheers! :)
Matt Palmer
{K:781} 8/22/2005
Nice image Jacquie good reflections in the water. Can I suggest you rotate it a couple of degrees clockwise. Somehow a water line at an angle doesn't quite look right.
Or maybe its just me being pedantic.