Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/14/2005
outstanding composition and exquisite muted pastel colors, dear Julie. Thank you for your very kind comment on my "Light from within 8." Best regards, Rafi
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 8/10/2005
Excellent Julie love the way it curves away into the distance Excellent lighting and tones Margaret
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 8/10/2005
Razor sharp, perfectly composed and totally upright verticals!! Superb station shot, Julie! ) Best regards, Chris
{K:3516} 8/10/2005
Very nice railway scene - would also look good in b&w with fairly high contrast.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 8/10/2005
I like the variety of textures and colours in this, Julie.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 8/9/2005
Questa foto č una piacevolissima sorpresa, all'inizio sembra un normalissimo paesaggio urbano, poi con uno sguardo pių approfondito ci si possono scorgere mille particolari: uno su tutti il cane vicino alla panchina: spettacolare
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 8/9/2005
Wonderful composition. Who says you need people to make the photo! A dog will do just fine! Great shot....
z z
{K:7231} 8/9/2005
Before reading the comments I was amazed at how clean this station was.. now I can see it is new. You have composed this so nicely and the colors are nice and saturated. Nice touch with only Fido waiting for a train.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 8/9/2005
just come to add my 7
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 8/9/2005
Where'd the people go ? I love the vanishing point perspective & nicely saturated colors Julie
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 8/9/2005
Lovely place, excellent composition, excellent color tones! I like the frame!
Ciao Francesco
julie hugill
{K:6730} 8/9/2005
No not yet just doing it up still planted loads of trees a few months ago don,t know when it will get going again but is planned to !! Julie
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 8/9/2005
I love that place !! is the train not running yet ?? . great capture julie , well done .. marky .
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 8/9/2005
Great composition Julie , nice lines & tones , Best regards .