mazdak shadkam
{K:526} 5/19/2008
what should i say luca!!! effective...effective.... all the best
Emma Petrella
{K:3577} 11/13/2005
Molto femminile e sensuale. Un inusuale punto di vista!
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 10/13/2005
Great and nice idea!
Morgan Estill
{K:3786} 10/5/2005
Thanks, Luca. I would imagine it could be difficult to pose that shot, but it would turn out well. I love your cat photos. I would love to see more of them.
Luca LucaŽ
{K:2429} 10/5/2005
u know morgan, your is a wonderful idea!! is not simple to do for technical reason (the cat)but maybe with patience it would be a wonderful shot. i saw your portfolio u have a fantastic collection of images.
Morgan Estill
{K:3786} 10/5/2005
I like the perspective here, Luca. Great tones and the DoF is great. I think a great idea for a shot would be to have the owner of these feet to stand next or over to your cat. It would be expecially neat if the kitten were looking up at the lady. Great shot, again, Luca.
{K:4764} 8/14/2005
Very nice composition. Congrats.
Luca LucaŽ
{K:2429} 8/10/2005
grzie roby del commento, effettivamente un taglio appena sotto la suola delle scarpe era meglio...
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 8/10/2005
very niceee :))
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/10/2005
ottimo soft.. ottimo taglio! .. le avrei defiltae ancora di piu'-- roby
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 8/10/2005
inusuale e ben fatta ..molto glamour!
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 8/10/2005
Ottima immagine e idea!!!! Compl.!!
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 8/10/2005
wow, I travelled back five pages today making comments...glad i did...this is such a beautiful picture...fantastic composition and colour. Liz
Giorgio Goretti
{K:15471} 8/9/2005
bellissima Luca! mi piace molto, davvero ben pensata e realizzata, bravo! Giorgio
p e t a .
{K:18700} 8/9/2005
wonderful, another special piece of your russian princess.
Shelly N Alexander
{K:1451} 8/9/2005
Well done, need I say more.
Luca LucaŽ
{K:2429} 8/9/2005
thanks Mohamed for your beutiful words!
Uri Lidsky
{K:4932} 8/9/2005
love the cropping!
Luca LucaŽ
{K:2429} 8/9/2005
niente antonio :-)
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 8/9/2005
great composition and nice colors! G.
Lucas L
{K:12145} 8/9/2005
...yep....I love it!!! regards.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 8/9/2005
what i'm sure of it that you are very creative photgrapher seek always for the new shots have a very strong composition and proportions sense
have that EYE which can always catch beauty i like most of your photos good luck and all my best regards
Cetin Ozer
{K:2732} 8/9/2005
Ciao Luca, Bella pittura.. Congratulare.. :)
Luis Alvarez
{K:2038} 8/9/2005
Great shot! Caught my eye straight away
antonio nullus
{K:8540} 8/9/2005
cosa si nasconde dietro quel titolo? antonio
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 8/9/2005
i love this compositon. very nice.
fatima condeço
{K:626} 8/9/2005
i liked the subject and the composition