City - Dietikon State - ZURICH Country - Switzerland
Another expperiment ...
The hole in the wall I photograped last night with flash inspired me to work on this picture, to try out some possibilities with my PS-software Gimp 2.2. Personally I think it's just phantastic to use the possibilities of this software, i love it to be creative.
But, on the other hand I do ask myself: Is this still a photo?
Gimp is a open-source freeware, thought as an alternative to the Adobe Photoshop. It is based on Unix and does work also in Windows environment.
It's thought to be a PS-software, and not a drawing-program, to draw with Gimp is possible but rather complicated, I guess there are better programs to do so, like Powerpoint etc.
If you want, you can download Giimp, it's 100% free. Here is the link:
I'm not shure, if there exists also a version of it in Italian, but I think there should be.