Carl Weathersby, Chicago Blues great. At Buddy Guys this summer after the Blues Fest. Available light exposure, as shot in camera, no PS effects , just cropped and resized.
I have some shots that are more naturally exposed but I liked the poster like feeling as it was described to this. I did crop out some of this to be more of a portrait thinking that the guitar is shown just enough to let you know what it is. But this is why I love Usefilm to get the perspective of other shooters like yourself. Thank you! -mm
You have a little solarization effect in the highlights which, along with the stage lighting, gives this informal portrait a poster-like quality. I think it conveys the mood just right.
Very interesting shot in what I imagine was difficult lighting conditions. What ISO setting did you use, Mark?
The low light, combined with the use of the camera at what I imagine was the 80mm end of the zoom, have produced a bit of shake. Nothing major, but it may have been reduced it you took it with a slightly wider angle on the lens. That may also have shown some more of the guitar, maybe the microphone, giving a bit more context.
Just some thoughts on what you could try next time to make this even better than it already is.