Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 7/11/2005
HI Gil, wonderful landscape, very nice perspective, I like the nice detail with the foreground tree and the moody fog in the background, the tree placement never crossed my mind until I read the comments, I see it as being off slightly to the right originally and like the placement, very well done...
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 7/10/2005
Ok I see your point. But I would not have a feel of slanting, because the tree`s growth direction shows the right orientation, too. Anyway, you are right with rules ("when the word rule is used, substitute un-rule, for there are nor rules, only considerations")
Gil Draper
{K:3194} 7/10/2005
Thanks for the suggestion. This works too, although because of the higher level of the weeds on the right it feels like the tree will slide down. Perhaps the answer is that breaking the rules is alright too. Maybe raising the post on the left would keep it from sliding out. What fun. thanks
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 7/10/2005
I would agree with Don, a bit eccentric placement of the tree would not hurt IMO. Because the left side does not so much to the image, I tried a sacrifice there for a more square format with a less centered composition. I hope you dont mind :-)
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 7/9/2005
This is beautiful Gil, ordinarily one would say this is too centered but with the two posts it balances out so well. Very nice work. don.
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 7/9/2005
Beautiful atmosphere and I love the simplicity of the composition..excellent work!