Yeah, Kevin, it's of strange, in that dust specs don't become visible until you stop it down to around f22. Then they just scream at you.
You wanna see just how much is really there? Shoot a featureless sky at f22, then load that into Photoshop and go to Levels | Auto. Yikes!
I read a complete tutorial online last night, and I'm more confident in my abilities to use a sensor swipe, and moist pad to clean it off, as the sensor itself is covered by a glass antialias filter, which is, well, as hard as glass (5 on a hardness rating of 1 to 10). that bullet hole in the sign - regarding the dust on your sensor - I noticed the tell-tell dots of some of my sky shots last week - funny thing I could swear they were not there before and I have never taken the lens off my D70 since I bought it - so how the heck did the dust get in???