Sue Kerry
{K:3} 10/1/2005
Excellent, does anyone know where else any images of Alnwick Fair are posted?
Alastair Bell
{K:29571} 7/5/2005
Blimey! They finally caught my ex-wife! When do we get see the burning at the stake? Just kidding! Brilliant shot Marky!
julie hugill
{K:6730} 7/4/2005
I love how you have done this great work !! Jules
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 7/3/2005
I like the selective colouring Marky, great shot well done. Cheers Al.
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 7/3/2005
Brilliant Marky! Got loads of these myself... whith a different wench though... lol (& got just as wet as she did standing so close to the pool)
Love the use of colour & B&W.... this is great... may look just as interesting reversed (background colour... wench B&W... make it look very surreal... may try that one myself )
Hope you enjoyed the fair... got a load from the parade today so will get some on here soon... Been out all weekend so have not had a chance to upload anything new... hopefully I will get something decent on in the next few days from the fair myself.
Sue xx
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/3/2005
But that's not fair. You can't dunk her without her second shoe. Hehehehe!!
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 7/3/2005
Great capture They were the good old days when you could do this to nagging women lol Nice work Mark
Eric Peterson
{K:4419} 7/3/2005
I like it. The partial desaturation works very well to isolate and bring out the main subject from an overly cluttered background. I don't know what aperture you had set, but a large aperture would have helped isolate the subject even more, though it looks like your autofocus may have locked onto something behind her as some of the background does appear slightly sharper than she is. In any case, a good eye for a photo op and well conceived post processing. Eric