City - Ramona State - CALIFORNIA Country - United States
From the Ramona (Props and Rods) Airshow 2005. The props and rods show is a fun shoot with lots of photo ops. Not only is there an Airshow with Aerobatics, Forestry Demos and static display, but a full on Car show competition at the same time on the same grounds. A lot to see and do makes for a fun but busy day.
Here the "Texan" and the "Mustang" fly-by in a tight formation.
With Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 DG x1.4 Teleconverter. ISO-200 Av Mode Pattern Metering
I actually shot this in Av mode...trying slow the props down I would stop it down to bring the shutter speed down as well. I got some with nice prop spin but they were not a sharp as this. I will post better shots once I get to post process them (I took 700+ shots that day)
As to the 70-200mm 4L it is probably one of the best cheapest "L" that you one can get from have to be careful because the once one uses it and sees how sharp it is they tend to get "L" Glass fever and want more. The brother to this (70-200mm 2.8L) is about 700 more and as an amature I just couldn't justify that. I have never had any issue with it in low light or otherwise...on the 20D we can go to high ISOs without a whole lot of noise and the f/4 works decent up there.
I found it wasn't totally as far a reach as I wanted so after a lot of research I got a Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 DG and that gets me up there to about 280mm and the kenko is near as sharp as the canon TC but a hundred less and you can pop any non EFS lens in it.
The other best cheap lens (70 bucks) is the 50mm 1.8 MKII it is a cheap prime that is as sharp as L glass...feels like a toy but man it's sharp (not the best bokeh but workable)...great for portraits.
I like this alot. I have the 20d and am curious what mode you shot this in? Manual, shutter priority? Also, how do you like the f/4 lens? Nice work! Kelly