City - Parole State - MARYLAND Country - United States
I stopped to take some photos last Saturday morning at the now-defunct Parole Plaza Shopping Center at the edge of Annapolis, Maryland.
This relic from the sixties (built in 1962) was a shopping center like the one I remember after we moved to the suburbs in 1958. It had already become quite seedy by the time we moved into the area in 1986. Parole Plaza had seen its customer base and many tenants drained away by much more modern and attractive Annapolis Mall, which opened in the early '80s.
The huge lot, which has been vacant for more than a decade now, will eventually become a mixed residential/commerical development. Meanwhile, the big, once-colorful, once-neon-illuminated, Kennedy-era "Parole" shopping center sign is the last remnant of what once was. I played around with taking some photos of it, and the one I liked best was this "quarter note" I made from the "A."
Hi Steve! This shot has incredible balance.. Wonderful lines, curves, angles, texture....just an outstanding composition! Deserves FAR more attention. ..Brad