Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 10/15/2005
Captivating - just excellent! Joggie
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 10/12/2005
Incredible clouds. I wonder which city is that?
carlos sanchez
{K:3631} 8/10/2005
hermosa nube y su luz
{K:1352} 8/2/2005
Great Capture Congrats
andrea giuseppe
{K:3122} 7/28/2005
Che paese è questo? Bellissima immagine.
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 7/23/2005
Ciao Roberto,
più che foto questo è un quadro. Per favore toglimi una curiosità, la macchina la porti sempre dietro?
salutissimi, Francesco
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 7/19/2005
Another work of Art....superb composition............... Clifton.........
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 7/19/2005
What an awesome sky Roberto!!!! It looks like a mushroom cloud!!!!Scary! It looks like people are running from the approaching storm!!!! teriffic composition! Great colors and outstanding mood!!!!! Very dramatic scene!@!! My best...............John
Ornella Erminio
{K:4881} 7/14/2005
Ho tante foto di nuvole, ma questa è veramente strana, grazie per avercela fata conoscere, bravissimo p.s. le vacanze sono andate bene, meno le foto non sono soddisfatta, ciao con simpatia Ornella
{K:1921} 7/14/2005
the truth photographer needs to be attentive to these moments! wonderful image! (6) hugs Vini
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 7/13/2005
never ever seen such a fantastic cloud. great shot
Tjaart van Staden
{K:979} 7/10/2005
Roberto - thanks for the comment on sesriem. I just love this photo, and yes being there at the time to capture... Just a small thing IMHO - I would have lifter the camera to get more sky and less of the tarmac.. more desreving of a 7..
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/5/2005
What an astonishing and threatening cloud formation - the woman and children appear to be running from it. It's also a very nice square, with a beautiful carousel at the far end. AJ
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 7/2/2005
Excellent composition ,The cloudes in the sky look wonderful Congrats Roberto Sherif
Sergio Villa
{K:239} 7/2/2005
Stupendo lavoro! A vedere la mamma e i bimbi che corrono sembra proprio stiano fuggendo da un catastrofico evento!
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 7/2/2005
Thank you Roberto!
Wow.. Amazing sky! awsome composition!!
{K:6} 7/1/2005
Excellent picture.
Ismet Smajis
{K:6911} 6/30/2005
Beautiful view Well done saluti
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 6/30/2005
Magnífica en todos los sentidos. Sublime. Better run to be safe !
soul 21
{K:27572} 6/30/2005
bel lavoro complimenti gennaro
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 6/30/2005
strana davvero ... e che foto! luci e composizione incredibilmente belli!!
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 6/30/2005
Effective composition the way both the sky and the buildings come out at the viewer from the background. Wonderful shot. Mary
{K:100} 6/29/2005
wow it"s wonderful work
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 6/29/2005
What an incredible sky Roberto, fantastic landscape photo.
Definitely one to submit in the "Moody Landscape" category ?
Best wishes, Steve
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 6/29/2005
Preciosa, bellos contrastes y texturas, bravo, Roberto, bien hecha!
Sebastian Zachariah
{K:3382} 6/27/2005
Roberto, What was happenning in the sky.. ?? Was it about to rain?? Any ways a great capture, superb angle and nice saturation.. Sebastian
Marian Man
{K:80636} 6/27/2005
s t u n n i n g!!!!!! Marian
Raf D
{K:9223} 6/25/2005
Incantevole immagine! incredibile cielo, bella composizione e ben realizzata! -- COmplimenti, Rafael
Alex Pieroni
{K:15506} 6/25/2005
Veramente stupenda, Roberto! L'atmesfera che questo cielo evoca è davvero stranissima e fotogenica. Complimenti, sei un vero asso! Saluti, Alex
Orlando Oliveira
{K:587} 6/25/2005
wow look at that sky what a great shot!
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 6/24/2005
My god .. what a magic cloud you captured there .. the image is most fitting and telling .. the people running from this approaching "deluge" .. Peter
Rosario Esposito
{K:9796} 6/24/2005
Che scena, sembra l'arrivo di un tornado o qulcosa di simile e resa ancora più drammatica dalla corsa dei passanti.Bravo -Rosario-
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 6/24/2005
very beautiful picture,I like the clouds and your composition a lot.best regards
Giorgio Goretti
{K:15471} 6/24/2005
ahahah, magnifico "lavoro" Roberto ;-) ma il fungo dell'esplosione nucleare dove l'hai trovato? ;-)) bravo, un'immagine davvero ben costruita!! tanto di cappello... Giorgio
carla slaviero
{K:4824} 6/24/2005
ma... la nuvola è vera davvero? Comunque la prospettiva della piazza è bellissima, così come i colori e l'eccezionale nitidezza.
Fabio Ficola
{K:10466} 6/24/2005
Incredibile, a prima vista sembra aggiunta. spero che sia vera! -Fabio-
Bill Ciavarra
{K:10216} 6/23/2005
Beautiful cityscape, clouds are very dramatic!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 6/23/2005
Look at that sky....that is just so incredible. Fantastic.
... ...
{K:1343} 6/23/2005
Strana ed inquietante ... Immagine composta perfettamente e colori stupendi. Complimenti, Pier Luigi
Alessandro Raso
{K:2239} 6/23/2005
davvero strana Robi!!!!
ottima cattura!!!!!
Mila Croft
{K:6038} 6/23/2005
O_O impressionante!! sono senza parole
Gennaro Guarino
{K:12372} 6/23/2005
bellissima come sempre. saluti gennaro
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 6/23/2005
più che strana direi estremamente minacciosa i bambini infatti scappano via! la foto ha una grande prospettiva e un grande fascino patrizio
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 6/23/2005
..sembra l'astrone Interprise!!!! Ottima cattura!!!!!!
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 6/23/2005
You chose a beautiful stage for this cloud - one of the most spectacular clouds i have seen so far. Lighting comes from behind, just before sunset. The icing on the cake is certainly the woman with her childs, looks as if in a hurry - to reach the car before the rain comes ;-)
Ciao Carsten
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/23/2005
Very dramatic clouds, Roberto.
Nicely captured and presented.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/23/2005
compliemnti.. fantastica.. bel colpo d'occhio! roby
Zannoni Matteo
{K:12211} 6/23/2005
ottima direi che incombe su sarzana una strana nuvola come dici tu...
Pace e salute, M.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 6/23/2005
This looks as if someone detonated a hydrogen bomb just over the horizon. There's a really eery quality of light in the square. I wish I could take my rotary panorama camera to this square... what a great site!
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 6/23/2005
Impressionante già di suo, hai costruito l'immagine in modo da renderla apocalittica, bravissimo!! Dopo si è verificato qualche fenomeno atmosferico particolare? Ciao
giovanni guido marchi
{K:27040} 6/23/2005
grande drammaticità in questa immagine....ottima!!!!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/23/2005
è veramente molto bella! quasi da sogno questo cielo in contrasto con le case colorate, io forse avrei lasciato meno spazio sotto. ciao Paolo
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 6/23/2005
This is stunning Roberto my friend !! Excellent composition and that sky is fantastic 7+++ .. cheers .. mark .
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 6/23/2005
Wow!! Excellent and apocaliptic cityscape Roberto! Very beautiful nature momment captured! Congrats dear friend! Roberto.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 6/23/2005
What an amazing sky! I also like how the buildings converge. Quite a nice picture.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 6/23/2005
Very interesting perspective, love the composition, what is going on in the sky?..WOW....very well done...:):)Linda
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 6/23/2005
WOW!!! This is so beautiful Roberto... Excellent composition and perspective... The cloud seems weird but so beautiful... I love it!!!!
Brian Rueger
{K:7341} 6/23/2005
Very nice shot. Talk about being in the right spot at the right time.
{K:30945} 6/22/2005
Wonderful caro Roberto. Saluti. B:l:ana
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 6/22/2005
Very dramatic clouds - they look like part of an explosion! I like the way they seem to eminate from the area where the two rows of buildings meet.
Frank Beer
{K:10112} 6/22/2005
Clouds like an UFO, Roberto!
Great work, looks dramatic, or maybe as if a tornado is coming ... dramatic illusion!
Ciao, Frank
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 6/22/2005
This is lovely. I've never seen clouds look like that! Very nice.
julie hugill
{K:6730} 6/22/2005
wondeful great capture and stunning sky !! Cheers Julie
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 6/22/2005