Rick Koth
{K:2971} 6/23/2005
Another awsome pic. Had a nesting pair of these guys in a hanging basket off the porch last year. Haven't seen them this year.!? I love the clarity of this photo. Nice and crisp and the colors are great.
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 6/22/2005
terrific shot! the sharpness is really wonderful! the only thing i can mention here is that i wished the perch was tree branch instead of the wooden stick, but what could you do! keep up the good work, James. ned
Brian Rueger
{K:7341} 6/21/2005
Beautiful shot James. I love this bird. They are sooooo loud with their call.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 6/13/2005
Your pictures have gone up to a whole new level since buying your 20D, James! This shot is simply wonderful!! Kind regards, Chris
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 6/13/2005
Gorgeous display and colours. Well done.
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 6/13/2005
Excellent exposure and composition, Jim. The colors are perfect. Nicely done! Larry
Maria Ilcheva
{K:342} 6/13/2005
Wonderful colours and very clear and sharp shot!Congrat.!
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 6/13/2005
Excellent capture Jim!! Very beautiful sharp bird!! Congrats! Roberto.
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 6/13/2005
Exquisite, and I want to mention that your portfolio is extraordinary!