I know that UF is not really panoramic friendly, but I thought this one came out quite well. Put together from 4 images.
The 2 days before this photo were really windy (gusts to 100 mph). Then this day was suddenly very still. Taken from the road above south tufa. I climbed on top of our vehicle to get additional height.
Hi Kunal. Thanks for looking and commenting. The software I used for stitching was part of the package that came with my camera (Canon).
Tips for panoramic, hmmmm. I've got a lot of panoramics that didn't work. What I've learned is that as you move the camera, there needs to be very little change in the light (exposure). So it's easier to shoot if, for example, the sun is to your back as you move your camera across the scene, than if you are sweeping in a movement that brings you close to the sun. Probably also easier (for the same reason) on a cloudy day. Good luck. -- Naomi
Very nice panorama. Very well stitched. Which software do you use to stich images? Any tips for "merging" different brighness/constrast effectively for different images at their boundry?