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.:: Hug me!!! ::.
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Image Title:  .:: Hug me!!! ::.
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 By: Roberto Okamura  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Roberto Okamura {Karma:22851}
Project #50 Alternate Perspective Camera Model Canon EOS 350D
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio Insects
Lens Canon 18-55mm + 3 close-up filter
Uploaded 6/6/2005 Film / Memory Type CF Card
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 656 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 28 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
Location City -  Santo Antõnio do Leverger
Country - Brazil   Brazil
About Spider at morrinho community.
This is an big spider, more tham 10cm large, and very agressive. I don?t know if it have poison..
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... the winner is the Bull !!!

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There are 28 Comments in 1 Pages
Morgan Estill Morgan Estill   {K:3786} 6/17/2005
Excellent aggressive shot. I wish the whole spider were in this shot, though it's still such a great photo.


Marcio Galvão   {K:2149} 6/15/2005
I don't think so! :-) Great shot, congrats!


Marcos Benedicto   {K:1100} 6/11/2005
Ela não pareceu gostar muito de fotografia... hehe

Otima foto.



matthew morgan   {K:1539} 6/11/2005
great macro roberto i dont think i would of stuck around to take o photo of something that looks like it wants to bite me realy well done


Karly Morgan   {K:535} 6/8/2005
No thanks, I'll pass on the hug. Great shot.
Cheers Karly


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 6/7/2005
Essa tambem esta muito boa. Belo trabalho com essa aranha.


Joe Johnson   {K:8529} 6/7/2005
It's a good angle and photo, by the way. That's a good shot. Fishing spider I would guess. If not, then ignore what follows. But it might be feeling harassed and defensive. Could be a nest nearby, though fishing spiders apparently, as I read, do react violently when confronted, in any case. Apparently, people keep these as pets. But almost all spiders inject venom with those front fangs. I don't know how deadly this venom would be, though some necrosis ('flesh-eating virus' effect) could occur locally. Even for its size, I don't know that it's considered dangerous, as would be a hobo spider, or brown recluse, or aussie tunnel web (the model for Shelob in LOTR). Even the smallest spiders can be dangerous if one is particularly allergic to the venom.


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/7/2005
No Sal!! But my friend touched it with a piece of wood, and it jumpe and bite it.. Very agressive spider.
Thanks for comments!


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 6/7/2005
Fantastic capture Roberto! Did he bite you?


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/7/2005
Hug me--I don't think so. He's a mean looking thing. Terrific shot.


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/6/2005
Obrigado pela informação Gilberto!
O meu amigo e chará Gilberto que achou a aranha, ele a cutucou com um galho e ela imediatamente pulou e modeu o galho, dai por diante sempre ficava nessa posição de ataque, dai a idéia e pega-la com o galho e colocá-la na árvore para uma pose!
Com a sua informação e a do andré postei mais informações na outra foto.
Muito obrigado!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/6/2005
Legal a explicação André!
Pesquisei pelo nome e coloquei um about mais completo na outra foto que postei!
Muito obrigado pelas informações!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/6/2005
Hi Gabriel! Thanks for writing for Linda!
Really this spider looks terrific for who have afraid for spiders.
Best wishes for you!


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 6/6/2005
A hug by some species of spiders is not recommended. some of them, even when not poisonous, eat their spouses after having had sex with them. The photo, hoever, is excellent, Roberto and I admire your courage for getting so close to this monster.
Thank you for your very kind comment on my "Passage to trains."
Salutos and Shalom,


Hahaha!!! I want to kiss her, hahahaha!!!
parece ser una migala o tarantula, no estoy seguro, pero si es una de esas tienen un veneno muy suave para el humano, como el de una avispa. pero sus pelos son muy irrritantes y cuando está nerviosa se clavan an tus manos si la tocas.
Yo se esto pues he tenido varias en casa como mascotas cuando era niño


Girish Chonkar   {K:6903} 6/6/2005
That's very agressive. Nice catch.


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/6/2005
Very scary, but good macro - no definitely no hugs LOL :)


Orcun Kozluca Orcun Kozluca   {K:3487} 6/6/2005
nice shot.congratulations!


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 6/6/2005
Excellent Macro shot , nice composition , regards .



Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 6/6/2005
They do not make fear, Very nice Roberto.


Gilberto Santa Rosa   {K:11147} 6/6/2005
Daí para pular em cima era uma fração de segundo... Essas armadoras são muito rápidas. Aconselho avisar ao posto de Saúde para ter o sôro específico em estoque... O tratamento tem que ser imediato...


André Bermak André Bermak   {K:14443} 6/6/2005
HUMMMMMM!!!!!!Essa aranha é uma "armadeira".É muito agressiva e venenosa.Ela é muito comum nós jardims.Pelo visto esta é uma adulta,eu já vi muitas armadeiras aqui no jardim de casa, mais todas eram pequenas.Também vi uma reportagem no instituto Butanta e eu vi realmente o tamanho que elas podem chegar....
Ela levanta as patas da frente e arma o bote dai o nome,também usa os pelos da parte de baixo como arma contra eventuais predadores como se pode ver na foto.
Excelente captura, um golpe de sorte, não sei como vc chegou tão perto para tirar a foto, aposto que ela estava bem arisca!!!!!


Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 6/6/2005
Pretty scary. Excellent macro - you are braver than I am :-).


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/6/2005
Roberto, this is Gabriel (Linda's husband) who's writing for her because she's on the other side of the room screaming her lungs out, cause she absolute abhors, hates, and detests spiders ... She says to tell you: "shame on you for doing this excellent macro in an excellent composition that scared the hell out of me." ....:)Gabriel (for Linda)


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/6/2005
amazing. 7


Neal Nye   {K:15827} 6/6/2005
Hug me? Obrigado, mas acho que não.


Ryan Donahue   {K:159} 6/6/2005
I believe this is a wandering spider... they are reported to be the most venomous spiders in the new world... be careful getting that close. Maybe get a longer lens. Great shot.


João Pedro Carvalho   {K:213} 6/6/2005
Great shot.




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