At Mono Lake, California. Ospreys have built nests on some of the tufas. Because the lake is salty there are no fish for the ospreys (their sole food source is fish), but they can fish in nearby streams.
I was shooting the tufa and hadn't noticed the nest on top until the osprey resettled on the nest.
Underexposed by 2/3 stop, with polarizer filter. PS adjustment to contrast.
Excellent Naomi!!!! Great colour saturation! good idea with the underexposure! The snow in the background truly comes up in this shot!! -- Cheers, Rafael
Alastair Bell{K:29571} 6/5/2005
I like this... you've caught the osprey perfectly as it extends it's wings. Good control of exposure to ensure detail in the shadows with no over exposed highlights. A nice touch to include the bush in the foreground too. Wonderful!