Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 9/19/2005
Thanks Amanda!! I loved this one too. I appreciate the comment and suggestion to burn the cheek and shoulder. His mummy is about to order and this is one she has picked, only with his eye tinted blue.
Thanks so much for looking through my work girl! I will try and catch up with you this week!
Amanda Radovic
{K:3609} 9/19/2005
This is my favourite tonight! By a long shot. I love the clarity, the texture the strong bw and mostly the expression and direct eye contact for one so young (amazing)! My only advice would be to burn in the shoulder and the cheek a little - then it will be perfect:-)
Debby Biri
{K:4775} 6/21/2005
Really a wonderful shot...
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 6/18/2005
Thanks Margaret!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 6/18/2005
Thanks Ori! It might be a little oversharpened, perhaps that's what you're seeing.
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 6/18/2005
Thanks Dina! So glad you liked it!
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 5/30/2005
Oh No frown lines already LOL Margaret
Ori Vidra
{K:3214} 5/30/2005
Very cute and innocent pose, I'm not sure about the grain though.
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 5/30/2005