nobody nobody
{K:465} 5/31/2005
excellent portrait...perhaps too much centers Daniele
Keith Fitzgerald
{K:1117} 5/30/2005
My printer is fully up and running again, canvas and watercolour paper, I'm switching to the Moad paper range - the quality is going to be shit hot especially with the new profiles and spyder pro. Got CS2 the other day but haven't had a chance to load it yet, PS I'm really looking forward to printing the photo of Dale, talk soon k
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 5/30/2005
cheers Keith - no 16bit here - the D100 wouldnt work fast enough, one of the downsides to the camera. I've been shooting on TIFF recently too but the jpeg quality is fine .. I will be out to you soon to get these printed! As for b&w, well I've been threatening to get a roll of Neopan 400 for a while now. I will say though that I am starting to like this lens more and more ...
Talk soon, Shane
Keith Fitzgerald
{K:1117} 5/30/2005
super shot Shane, the eyes came out super. Imagine doing the same shot with bw film, digital is fantastic for bw portraits especially with the channel mixer - so many combinations and effects for bringing out or even hiding skin textures. Did you work in 16bit? Great shot, keith
Larry O'Neill
{K:1285} 5/30/2005
Guess what he wants for Christmas!
Joking aside - If tihs doesn't get an award you can have my Villa in Barbados for a month. Larry
{K:1284} 5/29/2005
Blue is very powerful for skin in BW, on older people it turns faces into washed out rivers. Great photo.
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza)
{K:4725} 5/29/2005
excellent creation and PS effect, congrats
Green Gemini
{K:3391} 5/29/2005
This could easily be mistaken for a Norman Rockwell painting. The freckles and the missing tooth add to his childish character. Great work!
Edon Karahoda
{K:307} 5/29/2005
lovely portrait, very good use of DOF and very distinct facial lines and texture. Congrats
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 5/29/2005
the original