Well, with a lensbaby on an SLR you also have some ability to tilt and shift the lens a bit, making prespective control somewhat possible. In addition, you have instant feedback on what parts are in focus, and you can control that by using different apertures if you want more/less blur. What digital doesn't give you is the spherical aberration which is an important aspect of this lens. I have done blur in PS, but nothing that approaches what you can easily do with this lens. And, yes, I am having fun with it. I'd love to try some nudes with it sometime.
Seems like you're having a lot of fun with this Lansbaby, Mark!
The blur here helps focus nicely on the lady walking her dog.
I've seen these Lensbaby offered, but since I'm "digital", I thought adding the blur would be better done in Photoshop. I wonder if you have any thoughts on this...