Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 5/16/2005
Thanks, James. I like both the cooler and warmer lights --- the pictures are terrific either way. It wasn't a criticism: just noticing it.
It's a good thing you try to keep th light natural, IMO.
James Hager
{K:6285} 5/16/2005
Thanks Angelo. This leopard was the most cooperative one I've come across. It was an awesome shooting experience. I'm unsure what to make of your comments about the color temperture. Do you like the neutral color in this shot or the warmer color in my others? The light in this shot was very cool because of a band of clouds blocking the sun. I warmed it up a bit during the RAW conversion, but only slightly because I like to remain close to the original. Think of it as adding a weak warming filter while shooting. The other shots in the series were shot with much warmer natural light.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 5/16/2005
Stunning shot, James. You really got a cooperative poser here. I guess luck favours the industrious, as this cat seems very happy to let you just snap away.
Nice netural light as well. Your other photos seem to look a bit "warmer" than this one.
James Hager
{K:6285} 5/16/2005
Thank you very much for your comment Rachael.
James Hager
{K:6285} 5/16/2005
Thank you Yamil. This was a very cooperative leopard as you can see from the rest of the images in the series.
Rachael Calvesbert
{K:7} 5/15/2005
Wow James. You are my official new hero (hope you don't mind). Your pics are amazing. Can't find a single one I don't love.
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 5/15/2005
Wowwwww, what a superb image. The most difficult member of the big five caught on camera. Great composition. Congratulation for this fantastic picture. Yamil
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 5/15/2005
Wow, a prize capture, well done.