john wreford
{K:38} 9/24/2005
Omar I do understand your joke, but as I mentioned before, the caption reads lebanese city of Tripoli, the location refers to where I live-Damascus Syria. I have no idea where the civillized world is nor for that matter the un-civillized.
orwa juve
{K:6059} 9/24/2005
Hi john, i've seen many countries and i have alot of foreign friends, but i never treat them or judge'em as a "part of the world " .. thnx 4 ur reference about my "petty mindedness" it seems that i need alot of contact with the civilized "part of the world " The joke is that Syria was occupying Lebanon, so it's fun when u mention a Lebanese city as a part of syria, u know in our part of the world we should have a sense of humor in order 2 forget our mindedness problems :) Thnx 4 ur kind comments about my folio. omar
john wreford
{K:38} 9/23/2005
Hi Omar Thank you for your comment. If you read the infomation supplied you will see the picture was made in the Lebanese city of Tripoli and that my location is Syria. It is a shame that your comments are tinged with petty mindedness so common in this part of the world. I had a look at you folio, you have some great images-keep up the good work. John.
orwa juve
{K:6059} 9/21/2005
a real good one, but Lebanon is not in Syria (or @least not anymore :) omar
john wreford
{K:38} 5/26/2005
Thanks for that Jenni. I looked at your work-great stuff, a labour of love.
john wreford
{K:38} 5/26/2005
Thanks for that Tahsin, have a look at some other of my pictures, you may enjoy some of my Cairo work-more to come soon as well. Shukran.
Bruno Caetano
{K:2940} 5/13/2005
Great shot. The movement was very well capture.
Jennifer Lord-Palmer
{K:2596} 5/12/2005
Loce the action and emotion in this photograph! I love the whole scene with the VW van and the buildings in the background. Very nice! jenni
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 5/12/2005
good reportage work!
Tahsin Bakr
{K:3298} 5/12/2005
super street action shot and excellent timming with the little slow shutter. Waiting more. Good luck.
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 5/12/2005
Stupenda immagine che rappresenta uno spicchio di realtą medio orientale. Complimenti. G.