Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/18/2006
Giorgio, the superb view, miraculous colours, the excellent light. Beautifully. Viola.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 1/1/2006
It is great to have a few minutes to view your wonderful pictures again. The contrasts between the foreground and background really portray the mood of the impending storm. Great mood created. Happy new Year to you, Giorgio. MAry
Jacinthe Duranceau
{K:1246} 7/22/2005
Beautiful shot, beautiful country...
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 5/12/2005
Luce fantastica per un paesaggio che amo.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 5/7/2005
Another one with spectacular lighting and colors, very dramatic atmosphere. Superb landscape.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/7/2005
bello scatto.fantastica.
Franco Giovanella
{K:132} 5/6/2005
I like so much your photos Giorgio! this one is to good! You really like landscape photograpy don?t you!?? I like to, but, I never know any place like this. About your question. I not Italian, I?m from Brazil, my second name is Giovanella, cause my grandfather is from Italy, now I don?t remenber exactly the name of city. From what city are you from!?
Kind regards! Franco Giovanella
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 5/5/2005
What a splendid image. The right place at the right time with an artists eye. I cannot find a fault. regards Danny Brannigan
{K:5595} 5/4/2005
luce catturata ottimamente. massimo
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 5/4/2005
Hi Giorgio,
this landscape drives me crazy ;-) I just want to jump into the car and drive right there.
good control over the saturation, nice work on the sky. great moody landscape.
best wishes,
m .
{K:2569} 5/4/2005
Colori magnifici e composizione di questo bel paessaggio!,
Maurizio Spadaccino
{K:5132} 5/3/2005
incredibili i colori saturi e la luce! Ottima foto. Ciao Maurizio
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 5/2/2005
Beautiful shot Giorgio,the colors are like magic superb lighting 7++++++++++ Many thanks for nice comment "Fishing pond IR" Best regards
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 5/2/2005
fantastica complimenti Giorgio ciao salvo
Paolo Rocchi
{K:326} 5/1/2005
Ottimo contrasto. Saluti Paolo
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 5/1/2005
just one word beautiful ,7's ,very best regards
Giorgio Mesghetz
{K:6724} 5/1/2005
ottima immagine 7/7 bei colori bella composizione
cerebral marv
{K:217} 5/1/2005
what a beautiful landscape!
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 4/30/2005
Outstanding landscape photograph Giorgio, the lighting is absolutely perfect and you certainly made the most of this :-)
I love the bright colours and the moodiness of this photograph !
Best wishes, Steve
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/30/2005
sempre ottime luci.. fantastica! roby
cessy karina
{K:14205} 4/30/2005
hi Giorgio, I enjoyed very much browsing to your gallery, you have very excellent photos. This one is so beautiful, the marvelous landscape with very nice lighting, is well captured and composed
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/30/2005
Impresionante fotografía! Felicitaciones!
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 4/29/2005
Excellent work, fantastic landscape and a beautiful sky. Rob.
Giorgio Goretti
{K:15471} 4/29/2005
Carla, grazie dei complimenti, se per piccoli difetti intendi le punte dei cipressi, no, nessun difetto erano (sono) proprio così. Ho aggustato l'immagine in PS per quanto riguarda l'equilibrio tonale complessivo, più qualche ritocco minore su alcuni dettagli, ma non comunque sui cipressi. Ciao e grazie del commento Giorgio
Emmanuel Panagiotakis
{K:6267} 4/28/2005
Excellent Shot Very moody good colors and Beautiful composition 7\7
soul 21
{K:27572} 4/28/2005
che fascino.... una fotografia fantastica che utilizza l'attimo per descrivere un fenomeno, e un'emozione complimenti 7
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 4/28/2005
Un bellissimo lavoro, ottima immagine luce e colore Giorgio!!! Compl.!!
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 4/28/2005
Che luce!!Uno spettacolo!! Bravissimo,Giorgio,davvero un gran landscape da impatto,come piacciono a me!!!:-) Ciao,Marco. 7+++
carla slaviero
{K:4824} 4/28/2005
luce e colori sensazionali! la composizione è equilibrata, i vari piani rendono l'immagine quasi tridimensionale. Vedo solo qualche piccolo difetto sui contorni delle chiome degli alberi in alto, o mi sbaglio? Ciao e complimenti! Carla
Adolfo Valente
{K:538} 4/28/2005
Molto ben composta, con una luce magnifica. Hai un ottimo portfolio, Giorgio: complimenti
M. Zafar Rabbani
{K:1451} 4/28/2005
Excellent composition of a very dramatic atmosphere. Very nicely exposed.
Kind regards.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 4/27/2005
Excellent landscape Giorgio!! Very beautiful stormy atmosphere and lignting! Congrats! Roberto.
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 4/27/2005
Excellent lighting and colors. Beautiful landscape. Congrats!
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 4/27/2005
Splendida luce e tonalità, hai saputo rendere perfettamente l'atmosfera, immagine eccellente! Ciao
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 4/27/2005
molto bella!
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 4/27/2005
What Im seeing is a perfect balance, an equal composition from up, middle and bottom part of the image. The color is fantastic and I really like the moody scene! Well done!
Keep Shootin' From The Heart, LarryM.P.
Silvia Festa
{K:6008} 4/27/2005
Fantastica resa della luce! hai fatto un buon lavoro
Fabio Ficola
{K:10466} 4/27/2005
Bellissima, ottima composizione, talgio e scelta della messa a fuoco amplissima.
Il contrasto dei colori caldi con il temporale in arrivo la rendono stupenda.
Complimenti Fabio
Guido Fulgenzi
{K:6076} 4/27/2005
bellissime tonalità,complimenti!
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 4/27/2005
stupenda.....grandissimo scatto giorgio. the same giorgio
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 4/27/2005
complimenti giorgio, il paesaggio è molto ben fotografato, e le tue luci sono magnifiche e perfette. hai reso una grande suggestione patrizio
Jan .
{K:8693} 4/27/2005
Oh! Truly magical light, Giorgio! The colors are extremely rich without being oversaturated, composition is excellent! Really, a beautiful landscape! Love it! 7.
Best Regards Jan
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/26/2005
Hello Giorgio! Nice use of maximum depth of field, you managed to show good details in every level! The grass the valley and the cloudy sky, the colors look like a close up of an earthy rainbow! Lovely landscape! 7/7
Nino Z-S
{K:1489} 4/26/2005
Che colori! Bello l'alternarsi di luci e ombre che danno rilievo al paesaggio. Ciao, Nino
Riccardo Corsini
{K:17796} 4/26/2005
Una luce che arriva diretta come il pendolino Firenze/Roma, mi piace molto! Ric.
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 4/26/2005
The beautiful colors and a wonderful dark and moody sky create a great photo. great capture. :)
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 4/26/2005
Molto bella la luce,grande mood,complimenti!!!!
Robin Sanderse
{K:2545} 4/26/2005
Wow! Great colours..creats a beautifull ambiance. Thanks for sharing. Robin
Elizabeth Wofford
{K:643} 4/26/2005
This picture is so intense! The trees and building almost seem like they are on fire! Very moody!