Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 5/25/2005
Why need SOMETHING has to be in focus??? Wonderful abstract. PERIOD! CB
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 4/26/2005
I suppose getting the centre bit sharply in focus is the obvious way to do this shot, but how about doing it the other way round - getting it as much out of focus as possible? The background is already forming an interesting abstract, and perhaps the whole photo could work well that way...
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 4/24/2005
Prachtige foto zo met die onscherpe meeldraden.. maar misschien had de stamper toch wel best scherp geweest .. Leuk tuig die extension tubes hé !! Peter
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/22/2005
Hi Bjorn, good to hear from you again! It's been a while, but I'm glad to be back on UF. I really like the idea here, and the extreme shallow DOF would've worked perfectly, if the point of focus was a bit more clear (Choosing the "stamper" as primary focus point, being surrounded by the pollen is an excellent choice, but even that part seems a bit out of focuus. Difficult to get razor sharp, though) The composition is quite dynamic, and well balanced. Very interesting approach.
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 4/20/2005
This is simply awesome...
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 4/20/2005
I love such pics,cheers,Subhash.
Nicola Love
{K:192} 4/20/2005
I really like how close this is and how the center of it is a bit clearer. Thanks for sharing. Love always Nicola.
Davide Bressanello
{K:3103} 4/20/2005
Hi Bjorn, the idea was nice, but i think that at least one piece in focus have to be here.