oguzhan erim
{K:2133} 5/9/2005
Cok iyi olmus, mukemmel yakalamissin. Sampiyonlar ligi finalinden ve yakindaki kupa macindan cekecegin fotograflari bekliyorum :)
{K:5777} 4/15/2005
Adam bunca para yapiyor, senden de yapacak bunu gorurse:))))
husniye yurtseven
{K:333} 4/15/2005
bu adam super yaa.. sende super yakalamissin kemal :)
erkoc dalaman
{K:4295} 4/14/2005
Mark, His name is Cem Yilmaz..he has recently made a movie named G.O.R.A. It's kind of a science fiction movie about what the Turkish people would do when they are in space etc.Their reactions, it's funny but if you are used to Turkish traditions , way of life etc.
Özlem Yaman
{K:871} 4/14/2005
Çok severim Cem Yilmazi. Bu fotograftada sanki fotograftan atlayip yanima gelecekmis gibi:) Çok dogal ve net cikmis. Ellerindeki ve yuzundeki ifadeyi iyi yakalamissin. Tebrik ederim.
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 4/14/2005
Kemal, if he's made any movies can you tell me and I will try to find?
erkoc dalaman
{K:4295} 4/14/2005
Hi Kat, I think the pink line distracts..I would prefer a cropped one..But Kemal's other shot of Cem Yilmaz the pink line really adds something to the photograph..But both versions are great..
Kat Apps
{K:1139} 4/14/2005
Hi Kemal, great shot...I can only guess what erkoc said, but I think the red really adds to the photograph, it matches the comedian's personality well I think, it complements his facial expression and body language. Many thanks for your comment also. Regards, Kat
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 4/14/2005
tesekkurler sevgili dostum senin cropladiginda gercekten guzel ama bu adam harbi bi numara ya
erkoc dalaman
{K:4295} 4/14/2005
Yahuu cropladigim resmi eklemistim ama gözükmüyor..bir kez daha deneyeyim..
erkoc dalaman
{K:4295} 4/14/2005
Valla harika bir portre..yukaridaki pembe cizgiden itibaren haddim olmayarak cropladim, biraz dikkat dagitiyor.Isim de tam oturmus bence, Turkiye'nin gelmis gecmis en iyi komedyeni (biraz fazla mi iddiali oldu yoksa):?)
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 4/14/2005
Thanks for your dear comment dear friend,he is a really hero,try to find a dvd of his film named GORA. Excellent you will love it
{K:42404} 4/14/2005
7+++++++++ excelent pic, expression, light and details, congrats and God bless you
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 4/14/2005
Valla acikcasi 70-200mm objektifle o beni karanlikta zor gorur zaten onu gormek kolayda onun herkesi secmesi zor dogal olarak on siralarda da deildim zaten.Rahat
{K:21564} 4/14/2005
Dostum, sen bu fotograflari cekerken sana satastimi pekii?)))