Lucas L
{K:12145} 4/19/2005
it is I that have to thank her, it is a pleasure to my eyes!!!! regards Antonio
{K:1593} 4/19/2005
She, thanks you!
Lucas L
{K:12145} 4/14/2005
..she is really beautiful!!!!
{K:1593} 4/14/2005
Hai ragione Giorgio, č un faro che riflette sul raso bianco che spara un po. La prossima volta ci starņ pił attento. Grazie Antonio
Giorgio Goretti
{K:15471} 4/14/2005
Scatto molto sensuale e ben costruito Antonio, magari il bianco sul lenzuolo spara un pņ troppo,almeno a mio avviso, ma questo non toglie nulla alla tua bella immagine.
{K:1593} 4/14/2005
Thank you again Larry, your comments are always wellcome. Antonio
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 4/14/2005
I see.. then I still have my eyes working good! lol! nevertheless... very lovely and sexy shot, antonio! :)
b.rgrds, LarryM.P.
{K:1593} 4/14/2005
Larry may be the focus is not perfect. Antonio
{K:1593} 4/14/2005
I agree with you, but I was not able to reduce the bightness of the upper part of picture. Next time I'll be more accurate in the exposure. Antonio
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 4/14/2005
Beautiful, sexy, lovely... my only comment would be, i guess the focus... not that sharp maybe... is it or is it just my eyes? :)
Good work, LarryM.P.
Vladimir Azarian
{K:258} 4/14/2005
Very good picture. The only problem is the right upper side-too lighty and distracting a little bit. Thanks for sharing this lovely picture. Best wishes, Vladimir
greg goodwin
{K:7089} 4/14/2005
beautiful shot and beautiful model greg
Robert Lloyd
{K:9943} 4/14/2005
lovely good lighting to