Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 4/17/2005
Antonia, thanks for your detailed comment. You have an eagle`s eye... This funny thing in the corner is no curler cap, but an artifact from clone stamping there ;-).
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 4/17/2005
Lovely. The detail in the field is rich in appeal as it compliments the soft fluffy clouds, and the sepia works very well with the contrasting tones in this. I've read the comments about problems with verticle/horizontal. Interestingly, the level horizontal of the first "line" created by the soil formations in the foreground is a tip-off that the land has a natural rise to the left, rather than being "off," and so it relieves the tension over that for me. Now for a bit of humor: Someone dropped a "curler cap" (remember those?). It is in the righthand lower corner. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Really, Carsten, I love this image --- it's fabulous. Antonia
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 4/9/2005
Carsten, Thank you for being polite about my hideous version, probably not a good idea to divide the picture along two colors like that.
I used the wrong word. "Tilt" implies a failure to correct an imperfect horizon which will never be the case with your meticulously perfect work. I knew this was sloping ground. The adjustment has to be one of a vestibular nature (me), not of photoshop. Best regards.
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 4/5/2005
A technically perfect photo whereby the picture-formation became something less good. Regards Gerhard
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 4/4/2005
S T U N N I N G work Carsten .. really a shot i love very much, such depth, detail, toning .. everything fits to me ! 7+ Peter
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 4/2/2005
Excellent capture Carsten!! Very beautiful heavy sky and lines patters.. Congrats! Roberto.
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 4/2/2005
complimenti questo cielo drammatico che sfiora la terra mi affascina. stupendo il viraggio. il cielo è meraviglioso
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 4/2/2005
PS: a very wide lens for 6x6 would be 26 mm (this is 16 mm equivalent for 35 mm film, or 10 mm for DSLR like my own Canon 300D). Such a wide angle on a 6x6 offers 50 cm to infinity stopped down to f:22 ;-)
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 4/2/2005
Svend, thanks for your insightful comment ! The slope was already mentioned by others, and I had really a hard time to cope with that - to rotate or not, because the slope is real ;-) FOV and digital - yes, that`s a point for the digicams. My good old G1 had a DOF from 10 cm to infinity @f:8 and 7 mm (that is 34 mm in 35 mm film terms). My DSLR is not that good, but the 10-22 mm zoom lens has a DOF from 23 cm to infinity @ f:8, not bad as compared to a 6x6 Hassy with 80 mm lens @f:8, 13 m to infinity ;-) ok, stopped down to f:22 4,85 m to infinity Regards; Carsten
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 4/2/2005
Lily, thanks for your version with grey toned sky - I like it too, now I consider another variant with blue toned sky... Regarding the horizon slope: quite right, but I did not fix it because the slant is real ;-)
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 4/2/2005
A great PS work! Very nice result Bye GG
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 4/2/2005
Elisabeth, thanks for stopping by. As you, Lily, and Svend note, horizon slope is noticeable. It was really a hard time I had to chose between straight horizon and my deja-vu: in reality, the ground is ascending, and full correction hurts abit when I see this picture with straight horizon. A good indicator of leveled shots is growth direction of the trees, not applicable here with this perspective ;-) Regards; Carsten
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 4/1/2005
Wow! Outstanding in its simplicity. Absolutely great portfolio! Joggie
svend videbak
{K:7376} 4/1/2005
This picture is a breath of earthy spring air. I like the slightly skewed effect of the horizon due to the very gentle upwards roll at left. The strength of this picture is its infinite depth of field from immediately foreground to absolute background, which apparently is almost automatic with digital cameras? (Something I'm curious about.) Smart sepia toning to emphasize the earthiness of the field.
Peter Godden
{K:745} 4/1/2005
Very dramatic effect and a wonderful kind of eerie feel to this. Great work again my friend! Regards Peter
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 4/1/2005
I feel slightly tilted to the right, as if on a slope. Brown tones very nice for the bare earth. Clouds look really good. I also thought same image would look good with grey toned sky. This is probably frowned upon in photography but something I went ahead and tried. It's only a variation and not a replacement for the sepia version which is beautiful as it is.

Fadel J
{K:13974} 4/1/2005
Fabulous scene and tones Carsten!!
Fabio Ficola
{K:10466} 3/31/2005
fantastic work. very good use of the different raw shot to extend the pose latitude.
Best regards and complients. Fabio
Bakir Brkanic
{K:2160} 3/31/2005
Beautiful landscape shot, great composition and nice sepia tone.
Best regards, Bakir
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 3/31/2005
result is great Carsten! I might consider a couple of thing: 1) a softer virage and 2) a tighter crop.

Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 3/31/2005
Magnificent shot. Good work. Congratulations!
Mistral Vortex
{K:627} 3/31/2005
Great shot!
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 3/31/2005
The picture goes on for such an distance. Great Mary -
Erik Shea
{K:1600} 3/31/2005
Wow, a lot of work really went into that photo. I really love how it pulls you into the depths of the scene. Great work.
Elisabeth D'Amico
{K:6674} 3/30/2005
Anothe masterpiece from one of my favourite photographer. I don't know if it's an optical effect, but it seems that the horizon is a little bit pending on the right side. Maybe I mistake. Eli:-))
Dominic Daigle
{K:641} 3/30/2005
Wow Realy beuatiful landscape Nice job Dom
Alain Gauvin
{K:17} 3/30/2005
Impressive shot!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 3/30/2005
Beautiful sepia tones.. Love wide angle of view with all in focus. Nice work. I can see why you would love to have something with those clouds. Don.
Maria Conversano
{K:2666} 3/30/2005
Great deepth and space perception! Amazing tone and light! Congrats! Maria
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 3/30/2005
spectacular view; very nice indeed
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 3/30/2005
Remarkable landscape, Carsten!! The sky is fabulous!! Very well done! Kind regards, Chris
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 3/30/2005
very good image..beautiful sepia tone!!!!