mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/8/2006
thank yoiu soooo much dear (Nacho) ;)
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/7/2006
very creative. wonderful composition.
Hooshang Nahrvar
{K:1939} 8/21/2005
entekhab-e khoobi bood .......aferin
mary karimi
{K:10818} 8/21/2005
mamnoonam sam aziz.....
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 8/21/2005
nice captured.i remember the freedom......
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/21/2005
ahaaa I understand.....but again, I think you are a very good photographer...at this time I see your excellent portfolio and i did not know which one to comment on...:) mary
{K:292} 7/21/2005
No,No Mary:) I'm an amateur...just studying and that's all. But the fact is that for me is better to hear that person is shoting on a film then on a digital cam... regards.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/21/2005
oh...my dear Evgeny i'm so glad you like my experiments... yes I developed it in my blackroom. I belive that you are a very good photographer with good knowledges. thanks,
{K:292} 7/21/2005
I like it..for sure.. the idea of the triptych..is very interesting...i'm waiting for myself to do something similar... Also wonderful orange on the b\w ... Have you developed it by yourself in blackroom?
chantal heijnen
{K:979} 6/26/2005
Hi Mary, Great creative way of showing this beautiful image! Thanks for passing by and see my pics! Chantal
mary karimi
{K:10818} 5/31/2005
this is valuable for me receive such a holy comment from a very good photographer like you. thanks...
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/31/2005
This are really good Mary! I can see it symbolic as a Jesus statue. In the Swedish church they often divide the "image" of Jesus in three, probably as a symbol for the trinity. This pic make me think of the Jesus staute they have in Rio de Janerio and in Lissabon. But this was my interpretation driving away.... RED, 3, fantastic.
Kevin Green
{K:117} 4/24/2005
pooya 666
{K:64} 3/31/2005
salam! man pooyam mishansi ke vaghean axet ghashanegh!!
Joel Harts
{K:79} 3/31/2005
i guess the OP has started taking effect!!! just kidding,this is a very pleasant abstarct, good job Mary.
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 3/29/2005
nice picture and good work on it congratulations
mary karimi
{K:10818} 3/29/2005
dear Kiarang, I'm always glad of receive your comments. thanks. mary
mary karimi
{K:10818} 3/29/2005
dear kamran! thanks for always your nice comments and deep feelings. mary
mary karimi
{K:10818} 3/29/2005
this is valuable for me receive such a supportive comment from a very good photographer like you,kosti thanks... mary
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 3/29/2005
Nice experimental designe dear Mary...continue your good look.
Kosti 7even
{K:6328} 3/29/2005
strong image; "for an empty shirt, for an eleni" as seferis writes, powerfully expressing the vanity in war that accompanies the winner... the red sky is stricking the composition and the triptych effect are excellent. well done
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24045} 3/29/2005
nice photo art.bravo