* James *
{K:20200} 4/21/2005
good catch alison. When I was in china, i often saw kite-fliers, and some of the kites were on lines that stretched more than 400-500 metres, maybe further.
Todd Bennett
{K:-583} 4/3/2005
Nice photo. Good composition. I really like the contrast between the sky and kite.
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 3/29/2005
wonderful shot, I have yet to capture a flying fish but you set me on a mission :) I love the nice colors against the dark sky, very well done.. And I like the grainy sky, I would have left it also....
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 3/29/2005
Another hard to capture object well caught in all its glorious colors. Can I see the string or is that my imagination? Thank you for your kind words about my "Mutuality 2" and my "Maya's ear." Best regards, Rafi
Ethan .
{K:881} 3/28/2005
hi ALison! i love the pic and i love the noise too!! i think the noise add some edg to the pic! it look like a video game from 1980! less nosie is wonderful too, but then to me it just a kite in the sky. Anyway well done:) ET.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 3/28/2005
The sky reminds Me of the wake of a boat when water skiing!Not so far fetched to see a water skiing fish! The kite stands out so well against the sky! Really cool Alison! Hope Your Easter was blessed My friend! Take Care! My best...............John
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 3/28/2005
A wonderful image. Not only are the colors spectacular but the fish appears to be flying right along that river of clouds. It couldn't be better.
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 3/28/2005
That is a dramatic looking sky. Looks as though there will be a storm. The kite pops out of this image. Well done!
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 3/27/2005
Ottima e simpatica immagine Alison!!!
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 3/27/2005
Good luck finishing up Shady. How exciting to be almost done. Alison
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 3/27/2005
Very intresting result of the sky Alison, I like the result of noise reduction of Alastair and Ken. My regards, Khaled.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 3/27/2005
Wonderful colors and details in the kite. Well captured, Alison. Happy Easter!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 3/27/2005
Muy buen trabajo...me gustan estas fotos minimalistas. Felicitaciones!
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 3/27/2005
I'm so sorry dear for missing a lot of your great work but I'm so busy these days finishing my master, so please accept my apology, Happy Easter to you and your family :)
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 3/27/2005
Wonderful capture.
Here is noise reduction with 'Neat image' software.
regards, ken

Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 3/27/2005
The version you have put up is wonderful, I will check out noiseware. thank's Alison
Alastair Bell
{K:29571} 3/27/2005
Striking image Alison... although I must admit I'm not a fan of digital noise.... I took this and an it through a noise filter (Noiseware - its free) and have attached the result. The sky still looks good in my opinion but is very much smoother... Great capture though - love the colours and composition!!!
 Less Noise... |
Yatharth Kumar
{K:2914} 3/27/2005
Very good work. But I think this is a kite.Looking very nice. Regards, Yatharth.
ajeet joshi
{K:154} 3/27/2005
very different sky
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/27/2005
It is an interesting variation, Alison! Great colours in the kite! Well seen and captured! Dave.