Vairoj Arun
{K:19} 4/23/2003
I love the composition and posing of the model.
Terry Stevenson
{K:154} 2/7/2002
This was a flatbed scan of a negative that was blown out intentionally. I added the texture in Photoshop, and darkened the edges in PS as well.
karen barnett
{K:4237} 2/7/2002
Excellent reduction of color..... you've produced the effect of a watercolor. I wonder if you have done one in a monotone.... same color as the jeans.... would be quite striking.
james mickelson
{K:7344} 12/18/2001
I love this image. Very sensual pose and balnced very well. The green cast and the washed out highlights distract me though. I like the texture. She is a very good looking kid. james
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 10/29/2001
You have make a very wonderful pictures,with the wonderful color,I like it very mhch
Terry Stevenson
{K:154} 10/23/2001
Sat her down against a tan backdrop, used a fill light at twice the wattage of the main light. Placed the fill light to the far left of me, and the main light to my above right. Shot it with slide film to give it more contrast, and then added a fine texture to the entire photo, with photoshop. Hope this answers your question, Ted
Ted Williams
{K:324} 10/23/2001
Love the mood of the lighting: how'd you do it?
Terry Stevenson
{K:154} 10/23/2001
Sorry Toni, But I don't see a green cast. Could it possibly be your monitor's calibration?
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 10/22/2001
Not qualified to comment, Terry. But do have a question. Why did the upper body go a green cast?