Elif S
{K:595} 3/21/2005
Wow This is really great. Captures a lot of the feeling of Istanbul, especially from a bird's perspective.
G-`FerRo GF
{K:676} 3/10/2005
Brilliant capture! Feel quite surreal. good timing in capturing the bird, and a beautiful colours and composition
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 3/1/2005
Excellent Photograph...of Constatinople..Gokmen! Nice Dramatic Composition..Lighting, and Scenic Detail!!! Regards: Jeff. Thank you, Gokmen!..for your Visit,,and Comment! Jeff!!!
Zoran Lautarevic
{K:1935} 2/28/2005
Excellent work.Bravo.
Murat Koray Tanrisever
{K:92} 2/28/2005
super ya ne diyim...harika olmus;renkler , keskinlik hersey sahane...tebrik ederim
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/22/2005
excellent work dear gokmen!!!!!! such an impressive capture!!!!! all so fine.... best reagrds Marian
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 2/21/2005
Wonderful creation! Art pure! Congrats! Marco.
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 2/20/2005
Vous venez de moderniser le paysage; bravo! et je ne parle pas de la compo...toujours bonne. drilan
Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 2/18/2005
Tek kelimeyle muhtesem ve etkileyici. tebrikler.
Alex Pieroni
{K:15506} 2/18/2005
Very nice work, gokmen. I like the final result, very impressive! Well done.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 2/18/2005
Very nice photo gokmen! The sky and birds are great! I love the tones and mood of this sea/landscape! Well done! Take care....................John
gokmen aldogan
{K:2067} 2/18/2005
hos bir dokunus oldugunu dusundugum icin renklerle oynarken oradaki renklere dokunmadaim
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 2/18/2005
Beautiful work, spectacular tones and perspective, this is a work of art. wonderful .......
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 2/18/2005
Buna benzer bir fotografim var ama sol kösedeki renklerin karmasasini anlayabilmis degilim :-) Tesekkürler bu arada.
Vlad Sournine
{K:2397} 2/18/2005
very nice colour. Very nice... And composition with birds is perfect!
kokupsy_un morita
{K:2651} 2/18/2005
great picture. profound use of color is wonderful.
(i like this color tone) thank you.
gokmen aldogan
{K:2067} 2/18/2005
dun bulut icin iyi gundu sagol
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 2/18/2005
gayet guzel bir konsept,insana gorduklerini gözlerini kapayincada yasatiyo. Tebrikler
{K:15913} 2/18/2005
Wonderful! Harika olmus! Fotograftaki atmosferden cok etkilendim! Tebrik ederim!