carolina silberschmidt
{K:1151} 3/8/2005
perfect combination for me: a book, coffee and chocolate!!
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 2/15/2005
Olga, Interesting that correcting the whites makes it "superficial" lol
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 2/14/2005
Ferdinand, Do you use Photoshop? If So, on your key board hit ctrl+L. Your levels adjustment tool will come up. You can pick from the three droppers (at the bottom) Black is on your left, is grey middle and right is whites. Use the white dropper and target your background it will automatically adjust to a perfect white balance...Use the Black for perfect overall balance. I hope this helps! Beautiful image regardless!
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 2/14/2005
The pink background is so enigmatic there, in my opinion. Happinnes or superficiality?Very nice image!
{K:3516} 2/13/2005
Wonderful, Carol. What did you use to correct the whites? Excellent edit!
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 2/13/2005
I hope you don't mind I took the liberty to show you what "levels" in PhotoShop 8.0 could do. I picked out and corrected your whites..then I added auto contrast...I also took out a few marks and (tears) on your backdrop. I don't think you could even see them..some monitors are extremely hard to see detail on.. Hopefully This is of some help when shooting with no doom merchandise items such as these... Carol
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 2/13/2005
Hello, Have you ever used a soft dome to shoot in? that would fill all the shadows and would give you PERFECT light on this wonderful idea.... Beautiful Shot!
Samantha P
{K:1961} 2/13/2005
Beautifully composed! Fantastic positioning of the objects. Love it! Are they Ferrero Rochers? They are my favourite! Yum!
Shkelzen Domi
{K:973} 2/11/2005
Nice composition
paolo marin
{K:4652} 2/11/2005
forse sarebbe stata meglio leggermente pił chiara (la tazzina e le pagine sanno un po di grigio) anche per rendere pił reale il colore dell'incarto dei cioccolatini (li conosco). per la composizione forse sarebbe stato meglio mettere una delle tre cose in primo piano da far capire quale era quella pił appetibile