canan yetisti
{K:-245} 2/7/2005
thank u cetin:)
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 2/7/2005
canan yetisti
{K:-245} 2/3/2005
thank for ur comments oguzhan. u wrote something which is about my photos problems.yes u are right! scanner causes to this problem.i'm sure that when i buy a digital camera it won't be again.. and i captured it in an island which i can't remember name;)but this island belongs to istanbul... fotografla kal;) canan
oguzhan erim
{K:2133} 2/3/2005
Impressive work again. Where did you took this photo? I think it is the sunset time when you took.
Actually I want to be see your works after you take a new digital SLR (I don't say anything about this subject after that, but it really disturb me when a beautiful photo spoilt by a bad scanner :)) . I think more beautiful photos we can see that time.
Tekrar tebrikler ve basarilar...
canan yetisti
{K:-245} 2/2/2005
tesekkurler gokhan:)
Yakup Turkoglu
{K:-518} 2/2/2005
fotograf bütün zaman? temsil eden bir 'an' d?r, ve hiç bitmeden akan bir an?d?r. her iki sinide temsil etmekte. eline sagl?k ba?ar?lar...
{K:8878} 2/2/2005
iste bir siyah beyaz cok hos etkiler barindiriyor figurun hareketliligide komposizyona dinginligin icinde dinamizm katmis tebrik ederim...
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 2/2/2005
Degisik bir his,eger kelimelerle anlatilamiyorsa ya cok mukemmeldir yada kelimelere dokulemeyecek kadar guzeldir.Tebrik ederim.
ahmet özkan
{K:7216} 2/2/2005
very good image. congrats.
canan yetisti
{K:-245} 2/2/2005
i wish i could do that with paint on a canvas;)but it's just a photograph..thanks for your comment:)
Stefano Gatti
{K:1172} 2/2/2005
strange effect in this picture: it looks like a "not real person" effect...it just seems to have been painted on a canvas